It’s HIP to serve persons living with HIV!
The HIV in Internal Medicine Pathway is designed for residents interested in developing necessary skills to provide comprehensive care for patients living with HIV/AIDS.
This three-year longitudinal program includes:
- providing longitudinal care for a cohort of patients with HIV both at George Washington University and at either Whitman-Walker Health, a local community health center with excellence in HIV primary care, or the Washington DC VA Medical Center, one of the top 3 providers of HIV care in the VHA system nationwide. Residents will be supervised and mentored by HIV specialists at each of their respective sites.
- participating in a longitudinal curriculum to enhance knowledge in HIV medicine, including clinic didactic sessions, journal clubs, online modules, and quarterly community-based workshops.
- completing requirements to become certified as an HIV Specialist through the American Academy of HIV Medicine (AAHIVM).
Apply just after match day - any newly matched categorical or primary care interns may apply! HIP scholars participate in the program as a supplement to their residency training starting at the end of their PGY1 year. Approximately 2 residents will be selected from the inaugural class.
More about the clinical experience:
- George Washington University
- Work directly with HIP directors Chavon Onumah and Chad Martins, following a panel of HIV-positive patients over three years.
- Whitman Walker Health
- Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC); patient community includes LGBT, HIV positive, and general primary care patients.
- Work directly with Raymond Martins, Senior Director of Clinical Education and Training, following a panel of diverse patients over two years.
- Veterans Affairs Medical Center
- The flagship VAMC! Work directly with HIV specialists providing comprehensive care to a panel of patients with HIV/AIDS over two years.
- Elective Opportunities
- In addition to the longitudinal experience above, you will participate in a two-week introductory HIV elective introducing the clinical sites. You will also have the opportunity to engage in research and participate in electives in inpatient infectious disease, substance abuse, and mental health for patients with HIV.